Agricultural supply chain mango inventory model


Palabras clave:

cadena de suministro de inventario, fruta perecedora, mango, PNL


The globalization has generated changes in world food consumption, demand for healthy foods as fresh fruits and vegetables have increased. The losses in the perishable fruit supply chains can reach up to 40%, the post-harvest loss in Colombia is mainly due to the inadequate planning and execution of the inventory processes. The problem is due to the high perishability of the fruit and its variabil-ity in terms of quality levels, which even under optimal conditions of
storage tend to decrease. After reviewing publications in the field of inventory management of perishable goods, there is no research regarding fruit supply chain. Additionally, some models do not cover the entire supply chain, and they only focus in studying one or two actors involved in the chain. This article presents a management mod-el of multi-level inventory for fruit mango chain includes functions decay and own losses of highly perishable fruit, a model nonlinear programming, formulated and evaluated in GAMS, which minimizes the total cost of inventory in the chain formed by a farmer, an agro-industrial company, a wholesaler, a hypermarket, a reseller and a retailer allowing calculate the order quantity and time of optimal re-placement of fruit for each echelon.



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