Revista Ingeniería Industrial 2024-02-29T11:17:25-03:00 MSc. Linette Salvo Sepúlveda Open Journal Systems <p>Es una revista de divulgación científica responsabilidad del Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial, Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad del Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile. La revista Ingeniería Industrial permite la publicación de artículos en todos los ámbitos de la Ingeniería Industrial y sus aplicaciones. La revista se publica trimestralmente en español, portugués e inglés en formato impreso y digital.</p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><a href="/index.php/RI/issue/view/283/showToc"><img src="/public/journals/3/cover_issue_283_es_ES.jpg" alt="" width="191" height="278"></a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <p>Editor-Director: <a href="">Iván Santelices M.</a></p> <p>Editora Técnica: <a href="">Linette Salvo S.</a></p> <p>e-mail:<a href="" target="_self"></a></p> <p>e-mail:<a href="" target="_self"></a></p> <p>Periodicidad: 3 números al año (trimestral).</p> <p>e-ISSN: 0718-8307</p> <p>p-ISSN: 0717-9103</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Design Thinking, a Methology for promoting meaningful learning 2023-07-19T11:27:15-04:00 María Izquierdo Izquierdo Cristina Gómez Calero Desiré García Lázaro <p>The use of new tools in the classroom has become a key strategy to promote more efficient and effective learning. In this study, we analyzed the impact of Design Thinking (DT) as a working tool on the learning of practical concepts in students of Vocational Training. A mixed methodology was employed, combining participant observation as a qualitative technique and a pre-post test questionnaire as a quantitative technique. The results revealed a significant increase in student motivation, as well as their ability to work in teams and improve individual learning. There was greater engagement and involvement of students in real problem-solving activities related to the development of a Curriculum Vitae (CV). DT provided an innovative pedagogical approach that fostered critical thinking, creativity, and reflection among students. These findings support the suitability of Design Thinking as an adaptable and flexible working method in the classroom, particularly in Vocational Training environments. The importance of customizing sessions according to group needs and considering socio-educational disadvantages to achieve successful implementation is emphasized.</p> 2023-07-19T00:00:00-04:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STUDENTS' PERCEPTIONS OF LEARNING EXPERIENCE IN PANDEMIC BY COVID19 2023-09-26T09:52:20-03:00 María Velia Artigas Adolfo Eduardo Onaine Luciana Soledad Santille <p>As a result of the COVID19 pandemic, which imposed virtuality, the implementation of virtual education is accelerated and has an impact on the process of change that has been taking place in terms of the training of engineers by competencies focused on the<br>student. For this reason, the students' perceptions regarding their experience in this situation are investigated. A mixed sample of students who took the 2020 Human Resources Administration subject in the first and second semester is taken. The resulting data on the self-perceptions of students about the development of their skills, their experience in virtuality and impact on pedagogical mediations through different theoretical perspectives. It is of a quantitative and exploratory nature using a virtual survey that allows establishing and understanding which are the most outstanding variables in relation to the phenomenon under study. As results we can express that the outstanding competencies in relation to learning were autonomous learning, time management and teamwork, for both groups, coinciding in the order of importance but not in the percentage of responses. Regarding the experience in virtuality, the second group has a more positive perception of their achievements when comparing virtuality with face-to-face in terms of their learning, the result of their previous journey. Finally, it is concluded that the transit through an imposed virtual education stage caused both students and teachers to develop and improve skills that positively impact the teaching-learning process.</p> 2023-09-26T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 APPLICATION OF QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT FOR THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A PACKAGING SYSTEM FOR HANDICRAFTS 2024-02-02T19:29:41-03:00 Rafael Lara Hernández Juan Ríos Ponce Gilberto Daniel Conejo Magaña Brenda Isamar Albarrán Cruz <p>Mexican handicrafts are admired and valued all around the world, some of them being as Cultural Heritage of Humanity. One of the problems that Mexican artisans have is the secondary and tertiary packaging, since they have not professionalized this fundamental process for export, because they prevent the goods from being damaged.</p> <p>The handicrafts present a challenge in terms of primary, secondary or tertiary packaging, due to the figures fragility, the used materials and low profit margin, so they must be optimized in order not to increase the price.</p> <p>Currently, the cultural industry or craft trade has become interesting to many people, organizations and governments, since there is a real concern that the ancestral knowledge will be lost. Being Mexico a country with a vast cultural wealth there is the government's interest in its conservation, as well as the impact it generates in the region.</p> <p>The design of containers and packaging for the crafts of the Catrina in Capula, Michoacán is considered as a necessity to improve the presentation, facilitating its handling, transport, storage, manipulation and distribution.</p> <p>For the developing the packaging, the QFD was used in order to propose an efficient packaging system based on the needs of the artisans.</p> 2024-02-02T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INNOVACIÓN E INDUSTRIAS CREATIVAS: UNA REVISIÓN DE ARTÍCULOS CIENTÍFICOS 2024-02-29T11:17:25-03:00 Ana Mercedes Fraile Benítez Sonia Patricia Garzón Martínez Cindy Paola Mantilla Rivera Nidia Stella Rincon Parra <p>The main purpose of this review is to present scholars with an up-to-date identification of the creative industry and innovation, for which the literature was reviewed initially in the Web of Science database and later expanded to Scopus and Google Scholar, limiting itself to articles on creative industry and innovation published in the last 10 years. &nbsp;then the bibliographic information obtained was analyzed with Voswiewer and Maxqda software, where the influence of the concept on the dynamics and evolution of innovation in the creative industry, which allows us to understand how the concepts of innovation have evolved, where the relevance of <em>Knowledge Management is evident;</em> It is clear that innovation in the creative industry not only transforms economic sectors, but also triggers a significant impact on the way people live, learn and connect in the knowledge society.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024