Design of an intervention proposal to improve social skills in students with ADHD

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Laura Sánchez Fernández


Attention Deficit Disorder and / or Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a syndrome that hinders both the learning process of students and the relationships they establish with their peers, due to the characteristics that define them. For this reason, it is considered necessary to develop an intervention proposal that promotes the development of social skills of children with ADHD and thus support the educational community with strategies fostering social skills. In this way, we are committed to an active methodology, since it is considered essential to design entertaining activities and attractive materials to enhance the acquisition of knowledge established in these areas. In addition, it is considered fundamental to involve teachers and family in the educational training process, understanding that the primary and secondary socialization spaces are those that give children the limits and essential standards to co-exist with the environment. Considering this, this proposal offers guidelines targeting that involvement, in order to ensure a proper learning process not only at an academic level, but also at a personal level.

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How to Cite
Sánchez Fernández, L. (2018). Design of an intervention proposal to improve social skills in students with ADHD. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 1(1), 83–91.
Reflexiones Pedagógicas
Author Biography

Laura Sánchez Fernández

Investigadora independiente, España.


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