About the Journal


Arquitecturas del Sur, one of the journals of the Department of Architectural Design and Theory at Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Design at University of the Bío-Bío (E-ISSN 0719-6466; ISSN 0716-2677), is published biannually in the months of January and July of each year. It is a serial, open-access publication that uses double-blind peer review. Since its first issue in 1983, its content has included original and unpublished research results that expand and strengthen knowledge of Latin American architecture and its related disciplines.

According to the UNESCO thesaurus, Arquitecturas del Sur´s topics include architecture, design, monuments, heritage preservation and urban planning. The journal accepts submissions of scientific articles, unpublished research results, master´s and/or doctoral theses, and conference papers. It also receives current thematic reviews that contribute new knowledge about concepts currently in development, provided that they are within the journal´s general focus; occasionally it publishes monographic issues resulting from specific calls for papers that in those cases are announced via the online platform. The submission of manuscripts presupposes that authors have knowledge of and comply with the conditions set forth in the calls for papers, as well as with the rest of the guidelines described in the journal´s Editorial Policies. Submitted texts may be written in Spanish, Portuguese and/or English, be original and unpublished, and mustn´t simultaneously have been submitted to any other type of publication or editorial body.

Arquitecturas del Sur is indexed in: SciELO Chile, ARLA, Avery Index, Dialnet, DOAJ, Ebsco, ERIHPLUS, Clarivate Analytics´ Emerging Sources Citation Index, Journal TOCs, Latindex, Open Archives Initiative, Qualis/Capes A1, Rebiun, and REDIB.

Arquitecturas del Sur adheres to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).