Systems architecture and social programs in Developmentalist Argentina: From optimism to that which is possible
architecture, systems, Argentina, hospitals, industrializationAbstract
The consolidation of the developmentalist government model in Argentina deployed after the Second World War impelled industry as the path to economic improvement, while architecture became a central player in the attempt to provide valid tools to meet different basic needs. In the area of healthcare, at the end of the decade of the 1960´s, bids for the preliminary design of national hospitals became fertile ground for design and technological exploration and presented an opportunity to disseminate so-called “systems architecture” as an alternative to existing methods. The case analyzed for this article is the winning project for the San Vicente de Paul Hospital in Orán, Salta. Its flexibility, indeterminacy and growth, as well as the incorporation of industrialized building systems, demonstrate the design tools specifically chosen by its authors as alternatives to improve the quality of life of this neglected population.
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