Incremental transformations in consolidated informal housing: The case of Santa María de las Lomas, Guayaquil



family, social transformation, housing need, grouped dwellings, typologies


The maximum impact that an architectural project can have in the social transformation of a neighborhood is not to change society through the project, but to make it possible for society to change through architecture. In the case of informal housing, this transformation occurs through small, incremental changes in each dwelling. These can be classified into three types: improvised, trial and error, and approximations, which give rise to logical global behaviors that can mean significant advances in the social structure of the neighborhood.

This article presents progress of research carried out at the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil, which seeks to find mutual influences between the physical transformations of the house, and the social transformation of the family in the informal neighborhood of Santa María de las Lomas, in Guayaquil. To this end, comparative diagrams of both transformation systems are produced, which describe a trigger for change that is neither architecture nor society, but rather a dialectic relationship between the two. 


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Author Biography

Ignacio de Teresa Fernández-Casas, Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil

Doctorando en proyectos arquitectónicos por la Universidad de Granada, y master en proyectos arquitectónicos avanzados por la Politécnica de Madrid, ha sido profesor asistente en la Accademia di Architettura de Mendrisio, y actualmente es profesor en el departamento de Proyectos de la Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil. 


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How to Cite

de Teresa Fernández-Casas, I. (2016). Incremental transformations in consolidated informal housing: The case of Santa María de las Lomas, Guayaquil. ARQUITECTURAS DEL SUR, 34(49), 6–21. Retrieved from