Modern Movement apartment buildings in Camagüey: Preserving valuable heritage through projects and social participation


  • Dianelis Falls Valdivieso Universidad de Camagüey


pilot project, state-owned company, participatory development, social welfare, heritage


Camagüey’s historic urban center, declared a World Heritage site in 2008, possesses a considerable number of Modern Movement buildings constructed in the decade of the 1950s, which have undergone modifications to fulfill the new needs of their residents. Regretfully, most of these transformations have not received the necessary technical advice or participation of citizens to ensure that both the population ́s requirements are met and the city ́s valuable heritage is protected. Faced with this problem, research projects that coordinate the participation of researcher-academics, professionals and students, are an effective way to achieve successful solutions. Through a historical-architectural property analysis, a detailed diagnostic assessment and the technical judgment of professionals, as well as the incorporation of the resident population via the surveys carried out, this paper addresses mechanisms to ensure an attitude of respect for, and appreciation and awareness of the spatial and environmental conditions that provide solutions for these properties, which are aimed at providing social welfare to those who live there and at the same time should be preserved to bequeath to society. 


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Author Biography

Dianelis Falls Valdivieso, Universidad de Camagüey

Arquitecta. Dianelis Falls Valdivieso

Cursa Doctorado en Ciencias Técnicas CUJAE

Investigadora que colabora en el Centro de Estudios de Conservacion y Desarrollo de las Construcciones



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How to Cite

Falls Valdivieso, D. (2016). Modern Movement apartment buildings in Camagüey: Preserving valuable heritage through projects and social participation. ARQUITECTURAS DEL SUR, 34(49), 56–65. Retrieved from