Defense strategies: three recurrent themes in Niemeyer’s texts published in the magazine Módulo



magazines, criticism., modern architecture, 20th century, historiography, criticism


This research deals with the texts published by Oscar Niemeyer in Módulo, a magazine edited by the architect himself, which was in circulation between 1955 and 1989. The reading of these texts revealed three recurrent the- mes: the first, present even in the first issue, has to do with the response to international criticism; the second, which initially appeared during the magazine ́s first year but gained greater notoriety after 1975, reveals a Niemeyer concerned with the legacy his work could leave for future generations of architects; and the last, evident in the last decade of the magazine, shows a change in discourse, which takes on a less didactic tone when explaining his projects and attempts to highlight his relevance, even in new contexts. The analysis of these documents and the identification of said themes demonstrate Niemeyer ́s concerns regarding his professional life and how he used the magazine to defend his work. 


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Author Biography

Mario Guidoux Gonzaga, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Graduado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo por la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, Brasil) en 2013. Mestrando del Programa de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura da UFRGS.


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How to Cite

Gonzaga, M. G. (2016). Defense strategies: three recurrent themes in Niemeyer’s texts published in the magazine Módulo. ARQUITECTURAS DEL SUR, 34(50), 52–61. Retrieved from