From modern “style” to modern architecture: meanings of modern in the brazilian magazines a casa and arquitetura e urbanismo (1923- 1942)


  • Juliana Cardoso Nery FAUFBA - Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade Federal da Bahia


modern architecture, 20th century., history, historiography, magazines, 20th century


This article is based on research that analyzed a corpus of 225 issues of the magazines A Casa and Arquitetura e Urbanismo published between 1923 and 1942. It sought to identify transformations in meaning and forms of expressing that which is modern through the texts and images published. The objective was to understand how this term that encompasses a wide variety of expressions became a hegemonic tendency clearly defined in Brazilian architecture, which even accep- ted the name Modern Movement in order to be identified. The modern “style” appears in Brazilian magazines beginning with the 1925 International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts in Paris, where different architectural displays were presented that were indistinctly identified as “modern” in the magazines analyzed. Ignored by most his- torical narratives, these varied expressions of modernity were responsible for conquering and fertilizing –largely due to the publication of specialized periodicals– a dry field in which would later flourish the exceptional and nationally and internationally celebrated works of modern Brazilian architecture with a Corbusian base. 


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Author Biography

Juliana Cardoso Nery, FAUFBA - Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade Federal da Bahia

MP-CECRE /UFBA Mestrado Profissional em Conservação e Restauração de Monumentos e Núcleos Históricos

PPGAU/UFBA Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo 


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How to Cite

Nery, J. C. (2016). From modern “style” to modern architecture: meanings of modern in the brazilian magazines a casa and arquitetura e urbanismo (1923- 1942). ARQUITECTURAS DEL SUR, 34(50), 6–17. Retrieved from