Inhabiting the edge. on the collective places and structure of rurality in Chile´s Central Valle: a review of types and cases



rural architecture, rural settlements, rural heritage, public space, territory


The purpose of this text is to portray certain types of rural places in the Central Valley of Chile: those that emerge and develop outside of official policies and, nevertheless, are still able to represent the features of their territory, almost always in a spontaneous manner. It is hypothesized that these places arise and are characterized by a condition of marginality, related to the fact that they develop on the edges of this territory´s modernization process. A review of some cases-projects created in the Graduation Workshop class at the University of Talca´s School of Architecture enabled a reflection on the ability of architectural projects to activate their underlying potential to become public space. Based on a series of interventions carried out in an academic context, planned and built projects constitute the vehicles and methods of research. Thus, they made it possible to reveal preexisting physical and cultural structures – in short, ways of inhabiting the territory


Author Biography

Eduardo Aguirre Leon, Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad de Talca

Profesor de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de talca, desde el año 2002.


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How to Cite

Aguirre Leon, E. (2017). Inhabiting the edge. on the collective places and structure of rurality in Chile´s Central Valle: a review of types and cases. ARQUITECTURAS DEL SUR, 35(51), 56–65. Retrieved from