Educational urbanism and disability: New participatory mechanisms for a more sustainable and inclusive city. The case of the Master Plan of the Historic Center of the Central District of Honduras


  • Ángel Luis González Morales Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla



educational urbanism, tactical urbanism, disability, education, participation


This article presents ideas and tools related to the field of inclusive and sustainable urban development, as part of the results of the applied research study entitled "The Master Plan of the Historic Center of the Central District of Honduras. Affection as a Source of New Strategies and Mechanisms of Social Innovation and Sustainable Urban Regeneration." The investigation was carried out by professors from the University of Seville together with the Spanish NGO ÍTACA Ambiente Elegido, and received financing from the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation. More specifically, a work methodology linked to people with disabilities is set forth. On the one hand, it begins with an educational process capable of improving both the city and its inhabitants at the same time, and on the other hand, uses the existing resources in urban environments tactically to achieve the real, effective and affective involvement of citizens. In this way, the project seeks not only to improve environmental quality and efficiency and increase responsibility in society, but also to enable the implementation of an urban model that fosters the inclusion of all citizens.


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How to Cite

González Morales, Ángel L. (2018). Educational urbanism and disability: New participatory mechanisms for a more sustainable and inclusive city. The case of the Master Plan of the Historic Center of the Central District of Honduras. ARQUITECTURAS DEL SUR, 36(54), 84–93.