Phenomena of the ephemeral. Other ephemeral architecture in Colombia


  • William García Ramírez Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia



Ephemeral arquitechture, quality, critica lof arquitectura, history of arquitectura, Colombia


The main purpose of this paper is analyzing the phenomenon of ephemeral architecture in Colombia from an angle where the ephemeral is derived from the durability of the works, as a result of quality factors and/or the abandonment of these architectures. Therefore, the methodological starting point of the research was a contrasted historiographic review, including visits to architectures whose stability and, hence, durability, have been questioned as a factor that has determined their ephemeral condition, since these architectures have disappeared suddenly or, once abandoned, are in slowly disappearing. The analysis of these architectures allowed detecting two main ephemeral phenomena in Colombia, taking as a starting point the speed and the intentionality in the disappearance of these architectures, (Ephemeral utopias: ideal places for habitat, unintentionally ephemeral) and (Ephemeral dystopias: impossible places for habitat, deliberately ephemeral). These two categories of approximation define an alternative panorama of ephemeral architecture in Colombia, which resizes and expands the traditional view of this type of architecture.


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Author Biography

William García Ramírez, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia

Professor of the Faculty of Architecture and Design


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How to Cite

García Ramírez, W. (2020). Phenomena of the ephemeral. Other ephemeral architecture in Colombia. ARQUITECTURAS DEL SUR, 38(57), 56–73.