Installed art in the construction of learning spaces. Notes on ephemeral projects in the University of Talca’s School of Architecture.




installed art, Ephemeral art, construction of knowledge, active learning, architecture


This paper, looks into the processes and methods of installed art as an artistic proposal that explores its spatiality, participation, an inter-medial nature and which is defined as ephemeral. All these aforementioned characteristics connote it is a space for building knowledge and, from there, a contribution towards the creation of active spaces for learning. There is, in this practice, from its structural processes and developments, a contribution to education, in terms of its procedural, transforming and creative nature. In this way, to undertake this discussion methodologically, the concepts and practices that address installed art and its forms of knowledge production; the academic and social implications that these can contribute and the practice of some ephemeral works carried out at the University of Talca will be connected, where together, it is suggested that these processes seem to favor the acquisition of fundamental aptitudes like: reflection, critical action, participation, cooperation and sensitivity.


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Author Biography

Andrés Daniel Maragaño, Escuela de Arquitectura Universidad de Talca

Academic, School of Architecture


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How to Cite

Maragaño, A. D. (2020). Installed art in the construction of learning spaces. Notes on ephemeral projects in the University of Talca’s School of Architecture. ARQUITECTURAS DEL SUR, 38(57), 38–55.