Pavilion 24 at the “Fair of the Americas” (1954): A biographical approach
international exposition, historical buildings, ephemeral architecture, professional backgrounds, government architectureAbstract
Held during the second presidential term of Juan Domingo Perón, in Mendoza, the Fair of the Americas (1954) took place. It was a continental exhibition that sought to promote regional production and strengthen Argentina's commercial and international relations with neighboring countries. It was also praised as an attractive event for visitors and locals. Likewise, it stood out as a space for international competition, given that stands from industries, business chambers, and chambers of commerce took part in the call. Conceived as elements of ephemeral architecture, the pavilions designed for the Fair displayed the disciplinary precepts typical of their time. Recent research has sought to account for the historical and symbolic relevance of this event for the region, as well as the disciplinary debates on Architecture and Design, that led to this international gathering. In this framework, this article aims to study the case of the only material testimony of the Fair that still stands, starting from a critical-analytical reading of the project documentation and of the architectural work as a messenger, considering the professional backgrounds of the technical players involved with its conception and materialization.
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