In the eyes of Santa Lucia: urban art and communitarian organization in the Historic Center of San Salvador




place attachment, urban art, citizen participation, urban renewal


Urban art has been and continues to be a transforming component within urban renewal processes, reinforcing memory, recovering the sense of place, and reducing stigmatization. This article delves into the role of urban art within the (physical-spatial) requalification and (symbolic) resignification processes in Urban Working-Class Settlements, analyzing how these processes are related to strengthening place attachment, sense of belonging, sense of security, and community organization, and trying to reflect on how they can affect deeper lying issues such as social and environmental risk. The methodology used is participatory action research, which was developed with the Santa Lucía Community in the Historic Center of San Salvador. Although the limitations of urban art are clear in the face of complex problems such as urban violence and environmental risk, the case of Santa Lucía reflects the potential of these interventions when they emerge as a collective and consensual expression, becoming an instrument of citizen vindication, strengthening community ties and organization.


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Author Biographies

Sofía Rivera-García, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas

Profesora asociada e investigadora, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA), El Salvador. Máster en Neuropsicología y Educación, Magíster en Arquitectura, Doctoranda del programa Desarrollo Urbano y Regional.

Emilio Reyes-Schade, Universidad de la Costa, Barranquilla, Colombia.

PhD in Public Space and Urban Regeneration: Art, Theory and Heritage Conservation, Full Professor and Researcher, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism.


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How to Cite

Rivera-García, S., & Reyes-Schade, E. (2023). In the eyes of Santa Lucia: urban art and communitarian organization in the Historic Center of San Salvador. ARQUITECTURAS DEL SUR, 41(63), 70–85.