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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • Text is double-spaced; 12 point font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); and all the illustrations, figures and tables are placed.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and biliographic requirements outlined in the Author's Guidelines, which appear in About the journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring Anonymous Review should be followed.

Author Guidelines

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Maderas-Cienc Tecnol journal is published by the Wood Engineering Department of the University of Bío-Bío in Concepción, Chile.

Maderas-Cienc Tecnol journal provides a means for the publication of  inedits and original papers and technical  notes on practice and research in all fields of Wood Science and Technology. It also included, previous editorial approval MSc or Ph.D. thesis abstracts, letters, book reviews, conference reports, etc.  in Wood Science and Technology.

No paper should be submitted to any other journal for prior or simultaneous publication. All articles will be refereed by at least two reviewers under double blind system.

Articles may be written in Spanish or English and should include: title page, abstract, keywords, text , references, tables, and legends to figures. The English version of the title must be included if the paper is written in Spanish. At the footer indicates full authors affiliations, ORCID number and address of the Laboratory where the research was carried out, in addition to specifying the electronic address of corresponding author.

Title.   It should include (on separate lines): title of contribution; authors; names; affiliations; addresses.

Abstract.    It  should follow the title and  should be a factual summary of the paper drawing the attention to any new information. It should stand on its own, giving a true indication of the entire content of the paper stating the purpose of the contribution, its methods, the findings and the main conclusions.

Text .    It should be divided into: Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results & Discussion and Conclusions.

Introduction. It  should define the problem and the framework of the existing knowledge.

Materials and Methods.  It must be a precise  description of the use procedure  to encourage others scientists to repeat the same work.

Results and Discussion. This section  must include only the aspects relevant to the subject, these should not be duplicated in charts and figures. It  should interpret the results according to the problem outlined in the introduction and  related observations from the authors or other scientists. Implications for further studies or applications may be discussed.

Conclusions.  They  should be shown  if results and discussion of the subject problems were  answered.

Authorship contributions. To state individual author contributions according to CRediT:

References. Should be cited in the text by giving the author’s surname and year of the publications. References should be listed at the end of the text in author’s names alphabetical order.

For example:

Journal article (journal name in cursive)
Belleville, B.; Iru, R.; Tsiritsi, C.; Ozarska, B. 2020. Planing characteristics of Papua New Guinea timber species from plantations and regrowth forests. Eur J Wood Prod 78(2): 343-349. DOI:

Book (title in cursive)
Zabel, R. A.; Morrell, J. J. 2020. Wood microbiology. 2nd Edition. Academic Press. DOI:

Florisson, S. 2021. Moisture-induced stress and distortion of wood: A numerical and experimental study of wood drying and long-term behaviour. Ph.D Thesis, Linnaeus University, Department of Building Technology, Vaxjo, Sweden.

The international system units (SI) must be used. Symbols should be normally typewritten, in italics. Their meaning should be clearly identified or explained. All equations should be numbered consecutively using numbers in parentheses on the right-hand margin.

Figures, tables, drawings, photographs, illustrations should be used with discretion and included in the text. Their position within the text must be clearly indicated. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced in Times New Roman size 12. The original should be limited to 20 pages.

Contributions to this journal including letters, typescript or information on events should be sent in electronic file MS Word o compatible and submitted to the Editor by electronic submission through the website

Similarities in each manuscript with Ithenticate software will be examined, and originals under 24% similarities will be accepted for evaluation, excluding citations and bibliographic references. After manuscript evaluation, the revisions due are from 6-weeks (Minor revision) to 12-weeks (Major revision).

The papers accepted will be published firstly online  in Accepted authors version. The final version of each accepted paper will be published online continuously. The printed version of the publishing, will be compiled every three months.

Maderas-Cienc Tecnol journal are reserved all rights to reproduction of the contents. The content of the articles published in each issue of the Maderas-Cienc. Tecnol journal, is the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the thought or compromise the opinion of the Universidad del Bío-Bío. The authors will retain their copyright and guarantee the journal the right to first publish their work, which will be simultaneously subject to the CC BY Creative Commons Attribution License.


Sending of manuscripts


Contributions to this journal  should be sent in electronic file MS Word o compatible and submitted online. The file size must not exceed 2MB.

Privacy Statement

Evaluation form

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Ethical code

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Open Access Statement

Maderas-Ciencia y Tecnología journal publishes in open access the following versions of its articles Ahead of print accepted authors and Post-Print.
The journal also has a free access policy (Open Access), which implies that its contents are available at no cost to the user; who are enabled to read, download, copy, distribute, print and generate links with the articles in this journal without authorization from the editor or author. These terms conform to what is established by the DOAJ in relation to Open Access.


The content of the articles published in each issue of the Maderas-Ciencia y Tecnología journal is the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the thought or compromise the opinion of the Universidad del Bío-Bío.
The authors will retain their copyright and guarantee the journal the right to first publish their work, which will be simultaneously subject to the CC BY Creative Commons Attribution License.

Self-archiving and digital preservation

Authors are authorized to publish their work on the Internet (for example in institutional repositories or personal web pages).

License Disclaimer


The authors will keep their authorship rights, however, they will guarantee the journal the right of first publication and dissemination of their work. The publication of the article in Maderas ciencia y tecnologia is subject to the Creative Commons CC BY.  Recognition License that allows others to share-adapt: copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.