Density, calorific value and cleavage strength of selected hybrid Eucalypts grown in uganda


  • Harold Turinawe
  • Paul Mugabi
  • Mnason Tweheyo


hybrid eucalypts, density, calorific value, cleavage resistance, Uganda


This study was done to ascertain the suitability of Uganda’s clonal eucalypts for fuelwood. The objectives  were to determine: (i) basic density (BD); (ii) calorific value (CV); and (iii) cleavage resistance (CLR)  parallel to the grain of  widely adopted clones i.e. GU7, GU8, GC540, GC550 and GC796 and  to compare these properties with those of their parent materials; i.e. Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus cammaldulensis, and Eucalyptus urophylla. Tests were done according  to BS373(1957) and ASTM:E870-82(2006) procedures. Clone GC540 showed the highest BD (664kg/m3), GU7 had the highest CV (17800kJ/kg), GU7 and GC540 had higher values for CLR (20N/mm). BD and CLR means were in-between parent material means  for GC clones. All clones had lower values of CV compared to parent materials. It was concluded that clonal wood at 6-7 years remains a viable alternative for fuelwood due to high volume increment per unit time and moderate CLR values to allow ease of splitting.


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How to Cite

Turinawe, H., Mugabi, P., & Tweheyo, M. (2015). Density, calorific value and cleavage strength of selected hybrid Eucalypts grown in uganda. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 16(1), 13–24. Retrieved from


