Effects of heat treatment on the adhesion strength, pendulum hardness, surface roughness, color and glossiness of scots pine laminated parquet with two different types of UV varnish application


  • L. Gurleyen
  • U. Ayata
  • B. Esteves
  • N. Cakicier


Heat modification, lightness, Pinus sylvestris, surface properties, ThermoWood process.


The objective of this study was to investigate the surface properties of a UV-system applied on laminated parquet made with untreated and heat treated wood (ThermoWood). In this study, wood specimens prepared from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) wood were heat treated according to ThermoWood method at 190oC for 2 hours and at 212oC for 1 and 2 hours adhesion strength, pendulum hardness, surface roughness, colour and glossiness were determined. The UV-system was applied in two different types according to manufacturer recommendations. Results show that lightness and glossiness decreases and red colour tone increases with heat treatment. Pendulum hardness increased initially, decreasing afterwards with the intensity of the heat treatment. Tests showed that adhesion generally decreased with heat treatment. No significant differences were found for the surface roughness although a slight decrease was observed.



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How to Cite

Gurleyen, L., Ayata, U., Esteves, B., & Cakicier, N. (2017). Effects of heat treatment on the adhesion strength, pendulum hardness, surface roughness, color and glossiness of scots pine laminated parquet with two different types of UV varnish application. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 19(2), 213–224. Retrieved from https://revistas.ubiobio.cl/index.php/MCT/article/view/2759




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