Production of blockboard from small athel slats end-glued by different type of joint


  • Morteza Nazerian
  • Vahid Moazami
  • Rahim Mohebi Gargari


Beech, bending strength, blockboard panel, end to end half lap joint, Fir, melamine-urea formaldehyde, Oak


This study evaluated the effect of joint type of short athel (Tamarix aphila) slats at three levels (butt joint, mitered joint, and half lap joint) in core layer veneer consisting of three wood species (Fir, Beech, and Oak). The joints were glued with PVAc and sandwiched by veneers with different ratios of melamine formaldehyde/urea formaldehyde resin (0:100, 25:75, and 50:50) in glue line to determine the modulus of rupture in dry and wet conditions. It was found that the highest dry and wet modulus of rupture was obtained in specimens having slats jointed with half lap joint veneered with fir by using MF/UF ratio of 50:50. The maximum modulus of rupture parallel to the face/back veneer grain value in dry condition (83.40 MPa) was observed to be higher than those values of modulus of rupture perpendicular to the face/back veneer grain (65MPa). However, the maximum modulus of rupture parallel to the face/back veneer grain value (53MPa) in wet condition were observed to be smaller than those values of modulus of rupture perpendicular to the face/back veneer grain value (56MPa).



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How to Cite

Nazerian, M., Moazami, V., & Mohebi Gargari, R. (2018). Production of blockboard from small athel slats end-glued by different type of joint. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 20(2), 277–286. Retrieved from


