Prediction of microfibril angle for Eucalyptus microcorys wood by fiber length and basic density


  • Luiz Eduardo de Lima Melo
  • Selma Lopes Goulart
  • Bárbara Maria Ribeiro Guimarães
  • Rosalvo Maciel Guimarães Neto
  • Caroline Junqueira Sartori
  • José Tarcísio Lima


Eucalypt, fiber morphology, microfibril slope, specific gravity, wood variation


Aim of the study was to estimate the influence of the fiber length and basic density on microfibril angle of Eucalyptus microcorys wood. The study area was in an experimental planting at the Universidade Federal de Lavras, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Three 37 year-old Eucalyptus microcorys trees were used, from whose stems six centimeter-thick discs were removed, cut at a high of three meters. The disks were sanded and planed to highlight the growth rings. Specimens were taken every 1.5 cm across the radius from pith to bark for determining microfibril angle, fiber length and wood basic density. The microfibril angles were determined by use of polarized light microscopy, while the fiber morphology and basic density were determined by usual methods. The averages found for microfibril angle (12.6°), fiber length (968 µm) and basic density (480 kg.m-3) are, in general, within the range of values reported for these characteristics of wood. The microfibril angle showed accentuated reduction of the average values in the pith-bark direction. The fiber length and basic density showed the opposite behavior. We observed that the density and fiber length may be used as an microfibril angle predictor, accounting for 96% and 79% of its variation, respectively.



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How to Cite

Eduardo de Lima Melo, L., Lopes Goulart, S., Maria Ribeiro Guimarães, B., Maciel Guimarães Neto, R., Junqueira Sartori, C., & Tarcísio Lima, J. (2018). Prediction of microfibril angle for Eucalyptus microcorys wood by fiber length and basic density. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 20(4), 553–562. Retrieved from


