Determinación inversa de la conductividad térmica en madera de Pinus radiata


  • Luis Acuña-Alegria
  • Carlos Salinas-Lira
  • Víctor Sepulveda-Villarroel
  • Diego Vasco-Calle
  • Rubén A. Ananías


Drying curves, heat transfer coefficient, inverse problem, radiata pine, specific heat, thermal properties, wood drying


Laboratory scale experiments are performed in order to characterize the artificial wood drying of Pinus radiata at conventional temperatures and accelerated temperatures. The experimental data allow to determine the wood thermal conductivity through inverse methodology. The comparative analysis shows that the implementation of the developed inverse methodology is consistent with  information available in the specialized literature; which means increased thermal conductivities with increased humidity and temperature, whose values oscillate between 0,34 and 0,56 (W/m K) to moisture variations between 22% and 64%; and temperatures between 70°C and 90°C, respectively.


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How to Cite

Acuña-Alegria, L., Salinas-Lira, C., Sepulveda-Villarroel, V., Vasco-Calle, D., & A. Ananías, R. (2018). Determinación inversa de la conductividad térmica en madera de Pinus radiata. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 20(4), 595–610. Retrieved from




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