Surface properties of novel wood-based reinforced composites manufactured from crushed veneers and phenolic resins


  • Yuxiang Huang
  • Yue Qi
  • Yamei Zhang
  • Rongxian Zhu
  • Yahui Zhang
  • Wenji Yu


Hardness, surface energy, surface roughness, surface wettability, wood composites


This study was performed to determine the surface properties of novel wood-based reinforced composites made from poplar veneers and phenolic resins. The veneers with different thickness (1.8, 4, 6, 8 mm) were finely crushed and then were impregnated with phenolic resins to achieve different resin loading (12, 14, 18%). Finally, they were laminated or random paved to manufacture novel wood-based reinforced composites with different target densities (0.8-1.1 g cm-3). With increased veneer thickness or resin content, the hardness of novel wood-based reinforced composites decreased and their roughness increased. The increase of density contributed to the increased hardness and decreased roughness. The surface wettability of novel wood-based reinforced composites appeared to be closely related to their surface roughness. There was a negative correlation between contact angle and roughness. The novel wood-based reinforced composites prepared by laminated mat formation showed higher hardness, lower roughness than those by random mat formation. Such data of surface properties can be applied to design the novel wood-based reinforced composites products with desired quality and provide basic information for further panel processing.



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How to Cite

Huang, Y., Qi, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhu, R., Zhang, Y., & Yu, W. (2019). Surface properties of novel wood-based reinforced composites manufactured from crushed veneers and phenolic resins. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 21(2), 185–196. Retrieved from


