Application of resource efficient and cleaner production through best management practice in a pallet manufacturer sawmill located in the city of Puyo-Ecuador


  • Blanca Vargas
  • Gloria Miño
  • Paúl Vega
  • Jessica Mariño


Efficiency, optimization, productivity, small medium business, waste reduction


Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production strategies were implemented in a pallet manufacturer sawmill in order to observe their effect on productivity and the environment. The main goal was to inform Small and Medium Enterprises the advantages of a sustainable and green production and to encourage them to invest in Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production strategies. In the context of Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production, the Best Management Practices are the first low cost and easy to apply measures to transform the current industrial system into a more sustainable and green industrial system. A longitudinal research approach was used. The investigation was performed in three phases: diagnosis, selection of measures to overcome the identified problems, and implementation and evaluation of results. Once the wood companies’ diagnostic data was collected for three months, surveys were conducted with the managers and workers of “Maderol” which served as a pilot sawmill where the Best Management Practices were applied. A survey with closed yes/no-questions and a non-structured interview were conducted. Based on this information, Best Management Practices measures were identified and implemented for a test period of three months. Results were analyzed based on the economic data of the sawmill and a second survey after the test period. The results obtained from our study on a pallet manufacturer sawmill located in the city of Puyo-Ecuador confirm that the Best Management Practices can provide clear and specific guidance to Small and Medium Enterprises so that they can quickly improve their production efficiency and reduce their negative impact on the environment.



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How to Cite

Vargas, B., Miño, G., Vega, P., & Mariño, J. (2019). Application of resource efficient and cleaner production through best management practice in a pallet manufacturer sawmill located in the city of Puyo-Ecuador. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 21(3), 367–380. Retrieved from


