The chemical and morphological properties of oleaster


  • Mehmet Akgül
  • Mehmet Akça


Elaeagnus angustifolia, heartwood, inner bark, morphological characteristics, outer bark, phloem, sapwood, rhylidome


This study investigated the morphological characteristics and chemical properties of the wood and the chemical properties of the bark of the oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia) tree, which grows in a variety of climatic conditions in different regions of Turkey. The study materials were taken from three different regions of Turkey having different climatic conditions and elevations with the aim to determine the chemical properties of the bark and wood and the fiber properties of the wood. According to chemical analyses, no significant differences in the core components of the cell wall were observed between the heartwood and the sapwood. The samples collected from the Çankırı region had the highest holocellulose content (84.9%), while the proportions of alpha cellulose (52.3%) and lignin (24.0%) in samples taken from the Balikesir region were found to be higher than in samples from the other regions. According to the sugar analysis, glucose and xylose were found to be higher in the heartwood than in the sapwood. When the sugar ratios were evaluated by region, the glucose and xylose ratios were the highest in the Çankırı region (43.7% and 22.8%) and the lowest in the Konya region (38.3% and 20.5%). When looking at the inner bark (phloem) and outer bark (rhylidome) rates, the amounts of holocellulose and alpha cellulose were higher in the inner bark and the lignin rates were higher in the outer bark. The wood solubility values for cold and hot water, ethyl alcohol and the 1% NaOH were highest in samples from the Çankırı region and lowest in those from the Konya region, whereas bark solubility rates were highest in the samples taken from the Balıkesir region. When morphological characteristics were examined, no obvious differences were seen among the regions in terms of the fiber length, fiber width, lumen diameter or double wall thickness. Upon further investigation, it was determined that the oleaster tree wood was suitable for papermaking, but that the produced paper would exhibit a low resistance value because the average felting rate among the three growing regions was low (39.87%).



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How to Cite

Akgül, M., & Akça, M. (2020). The chemical and morphological properties of oleaster. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 22(1), 13–22. Retrieved from


