Characterization of the wood properties of Cedrelinga cateniformis as substitute for timbers used for window manufacturing and outdoor applications


  • Volker Haag
  • Gerald Koch
  • Eckhard Melcher
  • Johannes Welling


Biological durability, cellular UV microspectrophotometry, dimension stability, lesser known species, topochemistry, wood anatomy, wood extractives


Cedrelinga cateniformis (tornillo) is a timber species of the South American Amazon Basin. In its natural distribution area, the wood has various local uses, such as furniture, art work, door and window frames, and light construction. In order to promote this lesser known species for high valued applications on the international market, wood anatomical, topochemical and physical/mechanical studies were carried out to characterize the wood properties. The topochemical distribution of the lignin and phenolic extractives in the tissue were studied by means of cellular UV microspectrophotometry (UMSP). The results of the structural and topochemical analyses were compared with the interrelation of certain anatomical and subcellular structures as well as the chemical composition with regard to the physical and mechanical properties. The natural durability of the mature heartwood was analyzed according to the European Standards and is resulting in a durability class 1 against basidiomycetes. Based on the findings of the comprehensive investigations concerning physical and biological features, e.g. the dimensional stability and durability, Cedrelinga cateniformis is ideally suited as a substitute for overexploited tropical woods currently used in Europe for wooden window frames and other above ground outdoor applications and thus can contribute to increase the value-added production in Peruvian forests.



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How to Cite

Haag, V., Koch, G., Melcher, E., & Welling, J. (2020). Characterization of the wood properties of Cedrelinga cateniformis as substitute for timbers used for window manufacturing and outdoor applications. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 22(1), 23–36. Retrieved from


