Nondestructive testing used on timber in spain: A literature review


  • Daniel F. Llana
  • Guillermo Íñiguez-González
  • M. Rafael Díez
  • Francisco Arriaga


Acoustic techniques, probing techniques, stress waves, ultrasound waves, vibration techniques


Nondestructive testing (NDT) includes several highly efficient techniques for the estimation of the physical and mechanical properties of structural timber. Apart from visual grading, scientific research using Nondestructive testing on timber has been used in Spain since the 1990s. Nondestructive testing can be used for two different purposes: timber grading and the assessment of existing timber structures. The most common devices used in Spain are portable ones based on ultrasound, stress waves, vibration and probing techniques. Many statistical linear models for estimating the mechanical properties of new sawn timber and timber from existing structures have been proposed. Furthermore, several factors that affect Nondestructive testing measurements have been studied (moisture content, temperature, specimen dimensions, sensors position-grain angle…) and adjustment factors have also been proposed. Species have been characterized for visual grading standards from the 1980s to date. The large number of research works using different species, devices and procedures shows the need of homogenization and standardization of Nondestructive testing use. This paper presents a review of research works using Nondestructive testing on timber in Spain, in order to add to knowledge, elucidate the concepts to unify Nondestructive testing used and promote research group collaboration in the near future.


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How to Cite

F. Llana, D., Íñiguez-González, G., Díez, M. R., & Arriaga, F. (2020). Nondestructive testing used on timber in spain: A literature review. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 22(2), 133–156. Retrieved from


