Variability in the physico-chemical properties of wood from Eucalyptus robusta depending on ecological growing conditions and forestry practices: The case of smallholdings in the Highlands of Madagascar


  • Zo Elia Mevanarivo
  • Tahiana Ramananantoandro
  • Mario Tomazello Filho
  • Alfredo Napoli
  • Andriambelo Radonirina Razafimahatratra
  • Herintsitohaina Ramarson Razakamanarivo
  • Gilles Chaix


Climate, coppice, Eucalyptus robusta, rotation, soil, wood properties


This study set out to determine which environmental factors of growth and silvicultural practices can affect the properties of Eucalyptus robusta coppice wood and also to study variability in those properties depending on the factors. Hundred and thirty-five coppice logs aged 2 to 10 years were collected from five zones in the Highlands of Madagascar. Wood density at 12% moisture content was measured by X-ray microdensitometry. Chemical properties, such as the total extractives, Klason lignin and holocellulose contents were predicted using near infrared spectrometry prediction models. The results significantly showed (p-value<0.001) that wood density (0.543 – 0.836, total extractives (3.1 – 9.8%) and Klason lignin content (24.6 – 35.3%) increased with age, with the

opposite occurring for holocellulose (63.8 – 69.9%). Wood density also varied significantly (p-value<0.001) depending on the zones, which was not the case for chemical properties. The densest woods were found at the hottest zones with less acid soils. Woods were less dense in zones, characterized by high rainfall and a soil rich in nitrogen and organic carbon. The plantation spacing, elevation of the zone and soil texture did not significantly affect wood properties.


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How to Cite

Mevanarivo, Z. E., Ramananantoandro, T., Tomazello Filho, M., Napoli, A., Razafimahatratra, A. R., Razakamanarivo, H. R., & Chaix, G. (2020). Variability in the physico-chemical properties of wood from Eucalyptus robusta depending on ecological growing conditions and forestry practices: The case of smallholdings in the Highlands of Madagascar. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 22(4), 425–438. Retrieved from


