Uptake of insecticides and fungicides by impregnable and refractory coniferous wood species treated with commercial bio-based emulsion gel formulations


  • Daouïa Messaoudi
  • Katia Ruel
  • Jean- Paul Joseleau


Emulsion gels formulations, fungicides, impregnation, insecticides, Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris, wood microstructure, wood preservatives


Even in dry state, wood can be prone to biological degradation. Preservation is a prerequisite to confer protection and durability to wood. This is conventionally achieved by impregnating the wood with pesticides. A key point in these treatments is the complex process of wood penetrability. We focused on the relation between the penetration of wood preservatives, wood microstructure, and the physical characteristics of formulations in the impregnation of the easily impregnable pine (Pinus sylvestris), and the refractory spruce (Picea abies). In this work, specimens from the two species were impregnated with three types of commercial bio-based emulsion gels formulations containing insecticides and fungicides. The effect of treatment method using dipping, surface spraying, and vacuum-impregnation, on the retention of the active agents was analyzed. Visual assessment, and qualitative and quantitative analyses of cypermethrin, permethrin and  propiconazole by gas liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectroscopy showed enhanced penetration of the active agents, and revealed differences of penetration performance of each agent. The suitable combinations of solvents and surfactants used in the bio-based formulations enabled rapid wood penetration and high yields retention. The capacity of penetration and retention of our gel formulations is discussed in terms of the connectivity of the conducting cells network of the two wood species.



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How to Cite

Messaoudi, D., Ruel, K., & Paul Joseleau, J.-. (2020). Uptake of insecticides and fungicides by impregnable and refractory coniferous wood species treated with commercial bio-based emulsion gel formulations. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 22(4), 505–516. Retrieved from https://revistas.ubiobio.cl/index.php/MCT/article/view/4184




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