Combined effects of neem (Azadirachta indica) and sesame (Sesamum indicum) oil as wood preservative on subterranean termites in the field
Dipping, field test, plant oils, termites, wood protectionAbstract
The current study was aimed to evaluate the effect of neem and sesame oils for the improvement of poplar (Populus spp.) wood resistance to subterranean termite in the field. Concentrations of 10 %, 20 %, and 30 % of both oils alone in toluene and their different combinations along with heat treatment were bio-assayed against termites. Results showed that both oils protected woods against termites differently; however, neem oil was more protectant than sesame oil. Moreover, neem oil, when combined with sesame oil, significantly improved the wood resistance compared to separate oils treatment. Heat treatment alone was not enough to enhance resistance against subterranean termites. The treatment at 200 ºC for 6 h combined with 75 % neem and 25 % sesame (3:1) appears to be the best treatment condition in this investigation. It is concluded that neem oil can be useful as a wood preservative against subterranean termites combined with sesame oil and heat treatment.
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