Efficient utilization of corn stalk and poplar planer shavings in manufacturing particleboard
Mechanical properties, particleboard, physical properties, Populus nigra, Zea mays indurataAbstract
In this study, particleboards were manufactured using a mixture of corn stalks and poplar wood particles at different ratios utilizing 10 % urea-formaldehyde adhesive. Panels with a density of 0,70 g/cm3 were manufactured using various amount of corn stalks and poplar wood from 100 to 25 %. Manufactured panels were tested the mechanical properties including modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity and internal bond and the water absorption and thickness swelling. In addition, the chemical properties and fiber dimensions of poplar wood and corn stalks were also evaluated. Some properties of the manufactured panels increased with the content of poplar particles. The addition of wood poplar particles resulted in a significant increase of some properties of particleboards. From this study, it can be concluded that the combination of poplar particles and corn stalks resulted in particleboards acceptable for interior applications due to low water absorption and thickness swelling. The internal bond strength, the most serious deficiency of stalks, was upgraded sufficiently by increasing the content of wood poplar particles. This study demonstrate that corn stalks may be considered as a charger for wood poplar particleboards manufacturer in region where wood is not abundant. unusual to wood material in the production of particleboards.
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