Wood/water relations of 15 south american lesser-used wood species


  • Johannes Welling
  • John Albert Bartolo-Cuba
  • José Carlos Sánchez-Blanco
  • Javier Luis Ahrens-Castillo
  • José Alfredo Ugarte-Oliva




Electrical resistance/moisture relation, electrical wood properties, lesser-used Peruvian species, physical wood properties, sorption isotherm


In the Amazonian forests of Perú a large variety of native wood species can be found, of which only a few are commercially exploited. Exploitation is focused on high density durable hardwoods for flooring applications. After selective logging of a few valuable trees the forests often are considered being “unproductive” because there is no market for most of the remaining trees. Having a long-term sustainable forest management and utilization plan in mind, a continuous extraction of more tree species is desirable. For opening out new markets for lesser-used species a concise knowledge of their physical and mechanical properties is essential. Fifteen lesser-used Peruvian wood species were investigated to characterize their wood/water relations. Density, shrinkage behavior, and sorption characteristics were determined. In addition, the functional relation between electrical resistance and moisture content was determined to provide a sound basis for non-destructive moisture content measurements.


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How to Cite

Welling, J. ., Bartolo-Cuba, J. A. ., Sánchez-Blanco, J. C. ., Ahrens-Castillo, J. L. ., & Ugarte-Oliva, J. A. . (2023). Wood/water relations of 15 south american lesser-used wood species. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 25, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.4067/s0718-221x2023000100424


