Thinning wood properties of Nothofagus alpina under three different silvicultural conditions


  • Maximilian Wentzel
  • Héctor Pesenti
  • Fernando Droppelmann
  • Aldo Rolleri



FT-IR, intensive silviculture, plantation wood, raulí, thinning wood, X-Ray diffraction, wood crystallinity


The main objective of this study was to assess the properties of Nothofagus alpina wood from thinning that originates from two sites with intensive silviculture and one similar to a secondary growth forest, with different soil, climatic conditions and age. To achieve this, some mechanical, physical and chemical-crystalline properties were characterized; studying the differences from pith to bark and between the selected trees that were taken from the thinning of the three plantations. Among the studied plantation sites, there were statistical differences in equilibrium moisture content, density and modulus of elasticity. Furthermore, FT-IR was able to differentiate the chemical-crystalline compositions from pith to bark and between plantations, while the X-Ray Diffraction showed differences in the crystallinity index. It was possible to differentiate between the sites with a more intense silvicultural intervention and the one with more variable growth conditions.


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How to Cite

Wentzel, M. ., Pesenti, H. ., Droppelmann, F. ., & Rolleri, A. . (2023). Thinning wood properties of Nothofagus alpina under three different silvicultural conditions. Maderas. Ciencia Y Tecnología, 26, 1–16.


