Thermal modification of fast-growing Firmiana simplex wood using tin alloy: Evaluation of physical and mechanical properties
Firmiana simplex, mechanical properties, swelling, tin alloy thermal modification, water absorptionAbstract
Wood is an important structural material, but some undesirable properties limit its application in construction. This study investigated the effect of tin alloy thermal modification (TTM) on selected physical and mechanical properties of Firmiana simplex (Chinese bottletree) wood. Tin alloy thermal modification of F. simplex was performed in a tin alloy bath at two different temperatures (150 oC and 210 oC for 2 h and 8 h). Physical properties such as swelling, water absorption and density and mechanical properties like modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, impact bending, compression strength and Brinell hardness of tin alloy thermal modified and control samples were evaluated. The results showed that tin alloy thermal modification decreased the swelling of the wood to 4,85 %, 1,45 % and 6,99 % along the tangential, radial and volumetric coefficient and water absorption and density decreased to 53,10 % and 290 kg/m3 respectively compared to the control. Modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, impact bending, compression strength and Brinell hardness of tin alloy thermal modified F. simplex at 210 °C for 8 h decreased to 6366,1 MPa, 54,9 MPa, 2,7 MPa, 29,4 MPa and 1113,5 MPa respectively compared to the control. In conclusion, the tin alloy thermal modified wood at 210 oC significantly affected the physical and mechanical properties of the wood.
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