Good ICT Practices Program for People With Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Triana Sánchez del Cerro


Considering the detected need on the proper use of information and communication technologies by the population with autistic disorder, it is proposed to create a program that allows adolescents and parents to have knowledge and strategies for responsible and safe use of the technologies of these tools. To carry out the design of this program, specialized bibliography has been revised, from which the educational needs presented by this population have been established, focusing on the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-5. The result is a program with thirty activities aimed at this group and their families. All of them aimed at enhancing the lesser developed capacities, such as the communicational and social skills within the school. It is an updated, functional, concrete program focused on the needs of adolescents and their parents. It is estimated that this program can be transferable to other groups, as well as to other educational contexts.

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How to Cite
Sánchez del Cerro, T. (2019). Good ICT Practices Program for People With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Revista Reflexión E Investigación Educacional, 2(1), 85–92.
Reflexiones Pedagógicas
Author Biography

Triana Sánchez del Cerro, Universidad Internacional de Valencia

Máster en Psicopedagogía


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