
  • Open Window


    We remind the community that Habitat Sustentable operates with an open window system for the reception of articles, which implies that these can be sent permanently, however there are two annual calls for papers (January and July, respectively).

    Check how to prepare the submission of articles HERE.

    Kind regards,
    Sustainable Habitat Editorial Team
    Universidad del Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile

    Read more about Open Window
  • Hábitat Sustentable accepted in SCOPUS


    The Editorial Team is proud to inform its community that HABITAT SUSTENTABLE has been accepted for inclusion in the SCOPUS index.
    This achievement has been a long career from 2011 to 2020, supported by the Editorial Team and funded by the UBB Faculty of Architecture, the UBB Vice-Rectory for Research and Postgraduate Studies, and CONICYT, which have provided the infrastructure and resources. However, the Team wants to especially thank the entire Sustainable Habitat community - authors, reviewers and readers - who have made this success possible with their selfless work.
    The policy of this index is to start coverage from the volume or year in which the magazine has been accepted for inclusion, so that in the coming months the indexing process will begin and its inclusion in the SCOPUS list.

    Read more about Hábitat Sustentable accepted in SCOPUS