OPEN CONVOCATORY Hábitat Sustentable V12,N°1: june 2022


The Journal “Habitat Sustentable”, a semi-annual online publication of the Faculty of Architecture, Construction, and Design of the Universidad del Bío-Bío, calls upon professionals and researchers from the fields of Sustainable Design and Construction to take part in its next issue of June, 2022

Articles must be unpublished, express scientific research results, and present original contributions to the sustainable development of the built environment, from the architectural and public space scale to the scale of systems, construction processes, and materials, considering the following lines:

  1. Design and Eco-Efficient Construction of Buildings
  2. Sustainable Construction Technologies and Materials
  3. Contributions Towards Reducing Climate Change
  4. Life Cycle of Materials and Resources (Energy, Water, etc.)
  5. Circular Economy in Construction
  6. Energy Efficiency and Environmental Comfort in Buildings
  7. Other Purposes

Proposals can be submitted in Spanish, English, or Portuguese, following the rules set out at

Articles will be received until February 28th, 2022, through the journal's website.

HS has an open window throughout the year to receive articles, which are published alongside those received in the calls.

For more information, contact

In addition, it must be mentioned that Habitat Sustentable is indexed in Scopus, Emerging Source Citation Index of Clarivate Analytics, SciELO, ERIHPLUS, Latindex Catálogo 2.0, Avery Index, Dialnet, Redib, DOAJ y REBIUN, and is a member of the Latin American Association of Architecture Journals (ARLA).

I appreciate your collaboration in promoting this call by Revista HS.

Sincerely yours.

Claudia Muñoz Sanguinetti, PhD

Editor –Hábitat Sustentable