Evaluation of the embodied energy of a construction project using the budget


  • Antonio Freire Guerrero
  • Madelyn Marrero Meléndez


Construction cost database, systematic classification, budget, embodied energy


The high impact of building construction on the environment is well known and should be assessed beginning in the design phase in order to be able to make decisions to reduce it. Therefore, simple and easily-implemented tools are necessary that evaluate the environmental impact of construction projects. Construction cost databases are widely used in the sector and can be utilized to incorporate environmental impact assessment. In particular, the case of the Andalusia Construction Costs Database is used to demonstrate a structured methodology in which energy costs (embodied energy) are included in project budgets. For the first time, it is also proposed that the energy costs associated with workers’ food consumption and transportation during working hours be included, since these can represent from 5 to 20% of the total. Lastly, the embodied energy of indirect project costs is evaluated, which can be significant and are generally excluded from analyses.


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How to Cite

Freire Guerrero, A., & Marrero Meléndez, M. (2015). Evaluation of the embodied energy of a construction project using the budget. Sustainable Habitat, 5(1), 54–63. Retrieved from https://revistas.ubiobio.cl/index.php/RHS/article/view/1812


