Applicability of generic passive design strategies in buildings under the influence of Climate Change in Concepción y Santiago, Chile


  • Carlos Rubio-Bellido Universidad de Sevilla
  • Jesús Alberto Pulido-Arcas Universidad de la Prefectura de Shiga
  • María Ureta-Gragera Universidad de Sevilla


Climate change, thermal comfort, adaptive comfort, passive design strategies


Passive design strategies in architecture and building performance are normally quantified based on weather files that do not generally consider weather forecasts. This paper investigates the generation of future weather data and its influence on hygrothermal comfort, as well as the applicability of generic passive design strategies. To this end, climate scenarios were generated for Concepción and Santiago, two of the most highly populated conurbations in Chile, for the years 2020, 2050 and 2080. Predictions were produced for the most extensive greenhouse gas emissions scenario, GEIA 2 or “medium-high”, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Comfort levels were analysed using an adaptive approach and considering generic design strategies, both of which are included in ASHRAE standards. Upon analysing the weather forecasts with comfort models, results were obtained that provide a better understanding of the degree of adaption of both the users and the architecture to the possible future climate. This research creates generic strategies to optimize the design of buildings in Chile.


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How to Cite

Rubio-Bellido, C., Pulido-Arcas, J. A., & Ureta-Gragera, M. (2015). Applicability of generic passive design strategies in buildings under the influence of Climate Change in Concepción y Santiago, Chile. Sustainable Habitat, 5(2), 33–41. Retrieved from




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