A strategy for the incorporation of specific environmental, social and economic impacts into a Healthcare Building Sustainability Assessment (HBSA) method



assessment methods, hospitals, HBSA method, sustainability, healthcare buildings, hospitals, sustainability


The design of a hospital environment involves many concerns related to the satisfaction and well-being of the medical personnel, patients, and administrators, and at the same time requires strong social responsibility and has a high impact on a city. Currently, it seems that the majority of this type of building is not designed or used in a sustainable way, although some tools have already been developed to support decision-making to optimize building sustainability. Based on this context, the aim of this article is to discuss the barriers to the dissemination of sustainable practices in healthcare buildings, and to propose the structure of a methodology that facilitates the incorporation of sustainability principles during the different life-cycle stages of a hospital building while overcoming some of the identified barriers. The structure presented is oriented to the Portuguese context and is based on the work done to date by the ISO and CEN organizations and other international sustainability assessment schemes already available on the market. 


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Author Biographies

Maria de Fátima Castro, Universidade do Minho

Maria de Fátima Castro is Architect and MSc in Sustainable Construction and Rehabilitation.  At this moment she is a PhD student in a Doctoral Program of Civil Engineering, and her thesis theme is “Sustainability in the built environment: methodology to support sustainable building design hospital”. She published one thesis in the field of sustainability and one scientific paper (in an indexed journal) in the same research domain. She is an author identified by SCOPUS database and Web of Science, and she has been participating in the organization of several events in the field of Sustainable Construction. Since 2011, she has been participating through oral presentations on the topic at many international and national conferences, seminars and workshops, and several papers are published in conferences proceedings. She is member of the Technical Committee (TC) of iiSBE and responsible for TC of iiSBE Portugal secretariat, that aims to adapt the international building sustainability assessment tool “SBTool” to the Portuguese environmental, societal and economical contexts.

Ricardo Mateus, Universidade do Minho

Ricardo Mateus is PhD in Civil Engineering, Assistant Professor at the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Minho and member of the C-TAC research unit. He published two thesis in the field of sustainability and is the author and co-author of several national and international books and book chapters and more than 60 scientific papers in the same research domain. He received several awards for scientific and academic work developed, including: Honourable Mention Award "IHRU" (2010) and Honourable Mention Award "André Jordan" (2010). He is a member of several Organizations, Teams and Committees responsible for developing events, initiatives and normalization in the field of Sustainable Construction, with emphasis on the Coordination of the Technical Committee of iiSBE Portugal. He is a member of the research team of several ongoing and finished national and international research projects. His fields of research are life cycle assessment (LCA) of building materials, products and elements and building sustainability assessment (BSA) and rating.

Luís Bragança

Luís Bragança is Professor at the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Minho, director of the Master in Sustainable Construction and Rehabilitation and director of the of Building Physics and Construction Technology Laboratory. He has authored and co-authored more than 200 publications, including books, book chapters, articles in journals and national and international conferences. He is currently President of the International Initiative for Sustainable Built Environment (iiSBE), Chairman of the Board of iiSBE Portugal, coordinator of the European COST Action C25 "Sustainability of Constructions", coordinator of the Committee for Education and Lifelong Learning of iiSBE and coordinator of the Technical Committee TC14 "Sustainability & Eco-Efficiency of Steel Construction". Additionally, he takes part in the CEN/TC350 "Sustainability of Construction Works" and is the representative of the Portuguese Construction Technology Platform (PTPC) in the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP).


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How to Cite

Castro, M. de F., Mateus, R., & Bragança, L. (2016). A strategy for the incorporation of specific environmental, social and economic impacts into a Healthcare Building Sustainability Assessment (HBSA) method. Sustainable Habitat, 6(1), 26–37. Retrieved from https://revistas.ubiobio.cl/index.php/RHS/article/view/2330




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