Energy savings for the cooling of indoor spaces through the evaluation of solar control systems in high-rise residential buildings: The case of the oasis city of Mendoza, Argentina


  • Julieta Balter Instituto de Ambiente, Hábitat y Energía (INAHE). Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET).
  • Carolina Ganem Instituto de Ambiente, Hábitat y Energía (INAHE). Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET).
  • Carlos Discoli Instituto de Investigaciones y Políticas del Ambiente Construido. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata / Instituto de Investigaciones en Energía no Convencional. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.


environmental architecture, savings, protection, high-rise buildings


This article analyzes the thermal and energy performance of high-rise residential buildings in the specific context of an oasis city. The aim of the study is to define adequate solar control systems in the envelope for each building material typology –heavyweight and lightweight– for two different housing height levels: above and below the tree canopy. By monitoring occupied dwellings, dynamic models were validated with Energy Plus software and proposed alternatives for solar protection were simulated. Energy savings for cooling were analyzed in apartments at low, middle and high levels. Results show that in the heavyweight building, the dwellings below the tree canopy do not require HVAC energy consumption to reach thermal comfort zones when exterior shading devices are used. While in units above the tree canopy, energy savings range from 32% to 42%. In the case of the lightweight building, apartments below the tree canopy present energy savings of approximately 53% and in those above the tree canopy savings are between 46% and 54%. The suitable dimensions of such elements constitute possible proposals for inclusion in local building regulations. 


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How to Cite

Balter, J., Ganem, C., & Discoli, C. (2016). Energy savings for the cooling of indoor spaces through the evaluation of solar control systems in high-rise residential buildings: The case of the oasis city of Mendoza, Argentina. Sustainable Habitat, 6(1), 72–83. Retrieved from


