Thermal comfort in urban green spaces in arid environments.


  • Alejandra Kurbán Universidad Nacional de San Juan - Argentina
  • Mario Cúnsulo Universidad Nacional de San Juan - Argentina


urban green spaces, climate, bioclimatic architecture, urban planning


In the bioclimatic planning of cities and particularly those located in arid environments, green spaces represent a missed hygrothermal opportunity as mitigators of urban climate. This article quanti es the thermal comfort of urban green spaces (UGS) in a city in west-central Argentina located in the South American Arid Diagonal, based on the UTCI index. This index was calculated from climatic measurements taken in 19 UGS in the summer of 2014. In each UGS, the value of the UTCI index was compared with that calculated for the urban surroundings. The percentage difference between them was used to group the bioclimatic performance of UGS into ve categories according to the divergence with the city ́s general climatic conditions. The results made it possible to identify the minimum tree parameters for UGS, as an objective of the bioclimatic planning of urban green areas in cities in arid environments.


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Author Biographies

Alejandra Kurbán, Universidad Nacional de San Juan - Argentina

Profsora Titular Univsridad Nacional de San Juan
Profesional Principal CONICET.

Directora Instituto INEAA (Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño).

Mario Cúnsulo, Universidad Nacional de San Juan - Argentina

Profesor Adjunto Universidad Nacional de San Juan
Profesional Principal CONICET

Subdirector INEAA - Instituto de Estudios en Arquitectura Ambiental "Arq. Alberto Papparelli"


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How to Cite

Kurbán, A., & Cúnsulo, M. (2017). Thermal comfort in urban green spaces in arid environments. Sustainable Habitat, 7(1), 32–43. Retrieved from


