Influence of the urban morphology over outdoor thermal habitability in a city with arid climate.


  • María Belén Sosa-Castro INAHE-CONICET
  • Erica Norma Correa INAHE-CONICET
  • María Alicia Cantón INAHE-CONICET


urban morphology, thermal comfort, arid city


It is known that the built environment modi es climatic variables that impacts on the human body energy balance. The thermal comfort is one of the factors that in uence the outdoor habitability
of the space. This study analyzes the interaction between micro-climate and urban morphology to determine the degree of thermal comfort of low-density areas in a city with arid climate (Mendoza- Argentina). For this purpose, seven representative urban canyons (UC) were morphologically and forestall characterized and micro-climatically monitored. The cases are inserted in different urban grid morphologies.The thermal comfort was calculated by COMFA, and the relationships between morphology and comfort were quanti ed using the Pearson index. The results show that the thermal comfort of the UC varies in a range between 70 to 20%. This shows that the combination between urban footprint, pro le and forestation determines the thermal habitability. It is also observed that for same urban grid morphology, the UCs have different responses regarding outdoor comfort and night cooling. This highlights how the design and planning decisions of the urban schemes impacts for de ning which strategies prioritize in order to achieve the sustainability of the built environment.


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Author Biography

María Belén Sosa-Castro, INAHE-CONICET

María Belén Sosa. De profesión Arquitecta desde el año 2009 por la Universidad Mendoza-Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Magíster en Arquitectura Sostenible y Eficiencia Energética desde el año 2010 por la Universidad Ramón Llull - La Salle, Campus Barcelona.

Ha trabajado en el sector privado, tanto de forma particular como en empresas.

Actualmente desarrolla su ejercicio profesional como Becaria doctoral de CONICET-INAHE-CCT Mendoza, el tema de investigación “Estrategias de mitigación de la isla de calor. Sustentabilidad y eficiencia de perfiles urbanos de baja densidad en zonas áridas”



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How to Cite

Sosa-Castro, M. B., Correa, E. N., & Cantón, M. A. (2017). Influence of the urban morphology over outdoor thermal habitability in a city with arid climate. Sustainable Habitat, 7(1), 44–53. Retrieved from


