Building envelopes in non-conventional building construction in northeast argentina and the problem of thermal bridges.


  • Manuel Venhaus-Held Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo - Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (FAU-UNNE)
  • Herminia María ALÍAS Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo - Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (FAU-UNNE).
  • Guillermo José Jacobo Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo - Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (FAU-UNNE).


envelope discontinuities, prefabrication, simulation programs, discontinuities of the envelopes, thermal performance., software, thermal performance


This research analyzed the thermal performance of building envelopes in Northeast Argentina (NEA), whose construction systems use mass-produced, prefabricated materials and specialized workers. Particular attention was paid to the impact of thermal bridges. The objective was to diagnose and develop criteria to optimize the energy performance of these envelopes. To this end, the types and subtypes of non-conventional buildings were studied and samples of those most used in NEA were selected. These were evaluated using the calculation procedures established by the 11,600 series of the IRAM standards, as well as by simulations performed with THERM software. The values that were obtained with both procedures presented average discrepancies of 2.6%. With the software it is possible to obtain a weighted coefficient of transmittance that incorporates opaque walls and thermal bridges and, by graphing the heat flow through the element, easily recognize the most critical points, to thus concentrate optimization actions


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Author Biographies

Manuel Venhaus-Held, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo - Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (FAU-UNNE)

Becario de Investigación de la Secretaría General de Ciencia y Técnica de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (SGCyT - UNNE).

Herminia María ALÍAS, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo - Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (FAU-UNNE).

Arquitecta. Magíster en Gestión Ambiental. Especialista en Docencia Universitaria. Docente e investigadora categoría III (CIN). Profesora Adjunta cátedras "Estructuras II" e "Introducción a las Estructuras" (FAU-UNNE). Directora de becarios de investigación y de proyectos de investigación de la SGCyT-UNNE.

Guillermo José Jacobo, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo - Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (FAU-UNNE).

Arquitecto. Docente e investigador categoría I (CIN). Profesor Titular cátedra "Estructuras II" (FAU-UNNE). Director de becarios de investigación y de proyectos de investigación de la SGCyT-UNNE.


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INSTITUTO ARGENTINO DE RACIONALIZACIÓN DE MATERIALES (IRAM). Norma 11.549: Aislamiento térmico de edi cios. Vocabulario. Tercera edición. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2002.

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MAC DONNEL, Horacio y MAC DONNEL, Horacio Patricio. Manual de Construcción Industrializada. Buenos Aires: Editorial Revista Vivienda S.R.L., 1999.

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How to Cite

Venhaus-Held, M., ALÍAS, H. M., & Jacobo, G. J. (2017). Building envelopes in non-conventional building construction in northeast argentina and the problem of thermal bridges. Sustainable Habitat, 7(1), 24–31. Retrieved from


