The influence of the use and management of the envelope on the thermal behavior of a dwelling in summer in the city of Mendoza, Argentina.


  • Soledad Elisa Andreoni Trentacoste Instituto de Ambiente, Hábitat y Energía, Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza
  • Carolina Ganem-Karlen Instituto de Ambiente, Hábitat y Energía, Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza



use and management, thermal comfort, night ventilative cooling


In the city of Mendoza, Argentina, construction quality is low in most dwellings with regards to the lack of insulation in their building envelopes. It is estimated that 95% of the existing housing has no insulation in its vertical envelope and insufficient insulation in roofs. In a temperate continental climate with large daily and seasonal thermal amplitudes, the only bioclimatic strategy present in the dwellings is thermal inertia. In these circumstances, the management possibilities offered by the envelope –through movable and operable elements–, are key to achieving indoor thermal comfort. This research analyzes the influence of the use and management of the envelope by the user in a traditional dwelling through hygrothermal monitoring over 59 days in summer. To this end, two periods with extreme and moderate climatic conditions were measured. By applying a nocturnal ventilation strategy for cooling, together with the closure of windows during the daytime, it was possible to achieve comfort 82% of the time. Likewise, the dwelling was measured for a period during which the envelope was not managed, that is to say, windows remained completely closed during the day and night, thereby resulting in the achievement of comfort only 6% of the time. In summary, it is concluded that the committed and conscious intervention of the user through the use of night ventilation, in conjunction with the thermal inertia of the envelope, play an important role in achieving indoor thermal conditions by reducing overheating in summer.


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Author Biographies

Soledad Elisa Andreoni Trentacoste, Instituto de Ambiente, Hábitat y Energía, Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza

Mg. Arquitecta - Becaria Doctoral CONICET.

Carolina Ganem-Karlen, Instituto de Ambiente, Hábitat y Energía, Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza

Dra Arquitecta - Investigadora Adjunta CONICET.


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How to Cite

Andreoni Trentacoste, S. E., & Ganem-Karlen, C. (2017). The influence of the use and management of the envelope on the thermal behavior of a dwelling in summer in the city of Mendoza, Argentina. Sustainable Habitat, 7(2), 64–75.


