User efficiency level (UEL) vs. electricity consumption in 14 residential buildings in San Juan, Argentina
energy usage habits, energy consumption, comfort, user efficiency levelAbstract
The residential building sector accounts for 44% of local electricity consumption and is the user responsible for this consumption, especially through the use of energy-intensive systems such as individual air-conditioning systems. This work is based on the hypothesis that their behaviour, in relation to the use of passive or active adaptation strategies to satisfy their condition of comfort, has an impact on building energy efficiency. The objective is to know the correlation between the User Efficiency Level (UEL index) and the Energy Consumption of the building. For this purpose, fieldwork is carried out in 14 residential buildings located in San Juan-Argentina. Based on surveys and objective data collection, the habits that the average user uses to satisfy his or her thermal comfort condition in warm periods are known, the UEL index is calculated and correlated with the energy consumption data. In this study there is a strong correlation (R=-0,779) between behavior, awareness and energy consumption.
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Se agradece al MINCyT (Ministerio de Ciencia y la Tecnología de la Nación Argentina), al CONICET (Concejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas de Argentina) y a la FAUD-UNSJ (Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño - Universidad Nacional de San Juan), por el fomento a investigadores vinculados a este trabajo.
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