Photovoltaic potential on high consumption industrial buildings in equatorial areas.




solar energy, industrial buildings, energy efficiency, building-applied photovoltaics, BAPV


Industrial and residential buildings account for 60% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, and more specifically, they consume 62% of the electricity in Cuenca, Ecuador. The sun provides equatorial Andean countries with a consistent and relatively stable energy source throughout the year. Industrial plants have suitable surface areas on which to install solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. Using a volumetric survey of a high-consumption industrial plant, a roof intervention is proposed to achieve maximum usage of crystalline silicon solar panels. Aspects of indoor ventilation and natural lighting are also considered. Through a BIM (Building Information Modelling) software model and simulations using SAM@, it is expected that 22% of the current high level of electricity consumption can be supplied, which is equivalent to the residential demand of 17,328 inhabitants, or 2% of the total consumption of the city. Although state fuel subsidy policies mean the proposal is not a profitable investment, this research demonstrates that it is an alternative that could be used to eliminate such policies, especially considering the fact that they are harmful both economically and environmentally.


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Author Biographies

Diego Sebastian Marín-López, Universidad de Cuenca

Estudiante de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca

Esteban Felipe Zalamea-León, Dr. Arq., Universidad de Cuenca

Doctor en Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad del Bio Bio. Magister en Construcciones por la Universidad de Cuenca. Arquitecto por la Universidad de Cuenca. Profesor Asociado por la Universidad de Cuenca

Edgar Antonio Barragán-Escandón, Ing MSc, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Doctorante de la Univeirsidad de Jaen. Master Universitario en Energías Renovables de la Universidad de León. Ingeniero Eléctrico por la Universidad de Cuenca. Profesor titular de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana de Cuenca


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How to Cite

Marín-López, D. S., Zalamea-León, E. F., & Barragán-Escandón, E. A. (2018). Photovoltaic potential on high consumption industrial buildings in equatorial areas. Sustainable Habitat, 8(1), 28–41.


