Passive estrategies cost effectiveness for energy efficiency in wine industries. Thermal-energy and life cycle cost analysis.
energy efficiency, life cycle cost analysis, investment decisions, eco-efficiency, winemakingAbstract
A quali-quantitative and experimental study is approached about a winery case located in Argentina. An architectural survey and thermal monitoring is carried out in the vinification during the winemaking period. Characterized the industry and extracted the process temperature and the climate data, a simulation model in steady state is made. Through this model, -validated with real data-, passive strategies applied on the envelope of the winery and the fermentation tank are simulated. The energy demand savings in thermal control of the winemaking process, obtained through the simulated passive strategies are estimated. The most effective passive strategies in the reduction of energy demand are defined quantitatively. A budget is drawn up for the construction of each of the passive strategies and a flow of funds of ten years is drawn up for each one of them. From this integrative analysis, the profitability indicators of the investment in each strategy are obtained; the Internal Rate of Return and the Net Present Value (NPV). The data is complemented with the time required to recover the investment -Período de Retorno-, measured in years. The economic-energetic factors that affect the profitability of energy efficiency investments are analyzed for the industry case, distinguishing the implications between the Pay Back Period and the flow of funds methodologies.
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