Tool for estimating economic and environmental costs in the Life Cycle of residential buildings. Building phase
tool, building life cycle, economic impact, environmental impact, ecological footprint, construction cost data base, residential buildingsAbstract
A tool is presented to predict the economic and environmental impacts of the life cycle of residential buildings in the design phase, starting from an architectural project, the budget of the project, the cost bases of construction, in particular that of Andalusia and of the ecological footprint indicator. The tool proposes alternatives in the use of resources (materials, manpower and machinery) and construction systems, being able to take part in making decisions to improve the impact of the life cycle of the building. A concrete case of residential building of ten floors above ground is analyzed and the resources used are obtained and their economic and environmental impact at a global level and in a detailed manner according to the phases of the project. The materials are the resource of greater importance and in particular the concrete or the ceramic are those that produce greater impact. A sensitivity analysis is carried out proposing for a project different material alternatives for a constructive solution, obtaining the data to be able to decide the most economically and environmentally viable option. The tool is easy to use for the user and can be the basis for the certification of buildings and the development of standard values to be used in government policies.
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