Technological innovation in the resolution of local socio-productive problems. Case study: Concordia, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Tecnología, Sociedad, Sistemas constructivosAbstract
This paper highlights the promotion of the design and management of technological innovations for the resolution of local socio-productive problems. Working from a point of view on innovation that attempts to overcome an exclusively economic perspective, a habitat production experience carried out in the town of Concordia (Entre Ríos, Argentina) was selected as a paradigmatic case. This experience collectively develops a technology related to wood construction systems in order to promote sustainable production processes based on local resources and knowledge. Likewise, it proposes an innovation that attempts to modify the current modes of production and surpass unidirectional technological transfer with new ways of solving problems cooperatively and charitably. By means of an interpretive study, the main objective is to analyze the case from the critical perspective of technology, relating the concept of technical codes (cognitive and social norms that configure the processes of knowledge production) with the ways of designing and managing habitat production in the experience. As a result, emerging aspects of the case are elucidated, which in the form of inputs or guidelines make it possible to contribute to the creation of new approaches for the production of a sustainable habitat that is more cognitively just.
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