Methodology for a regional cartography for the application of the bioclimatic strategies of the Givoni Charter




bioclimatic architecture, cartography, climatology, territory


The aim of the research is the feasibility of a methodology to map a specific territory, implementing the bioclimatic strategies necessary to achieve comfort, according to the Givoni diagram, as a very useful tool for building design.The methodology used is developed in four phases: I, obtaining the climatic information; II, analysis of climatological data; III, selection of stations and monthly data, application of Givoni letter and start of the mapping process; IV, establishment of zoning, and mapping, on a monthly basis. As a result of the application of the methodology, a set of maps is obtained that indicate the appropriate bioclimatic strategies for each territory, on a monthly basis, in order to achieve comfort in the buildings. The methodology has been validated in a specific territory in Spain, used as a case study. The original contribution of the research is said methodology that allows to elaborate the cartography for a territory, that becomes a powerful tool for the bioclimatic design, and that is capable of being applied to any territory.


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Author Biographies

Fernando da Casa Martín, Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, España.

Doctor Arquitecto por la UPM.

Docente Catedrático del Departamento de Arquitectura

Flavio Celis D’Amico, Universidad de Alcalá, España.

Ph. Dr Arquitecto

Docente Titular del Departamento de Arquitectura

Ernesto Echeverría Valiente, Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, España

Ph. Dr Arquitecto

Docente Titular del Departamento de Arquitectura.


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How to Cite

da Casa Martín, F., Celis D’Amico, F., & Echeverría Valiente, E. (2019). Methodology for a regional cartography for the application of the bioclimatic strategies of the Givoni Charter. Sustainable Habitat, 9(2), 52–63.




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